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Extreme Solar Storm Brings Spectacular Northern Lights

Extreme solar storm brings spectacular northern lights

Geomagnetic storm caused by solar flare produces colorful displays at unusual latitudes

By Jintak Han

May 11, 2024

A powerful solar storm has been producing colorful light shows at unusual latitudes, with stargazers in Britain marveling at the spectacular sight of the northern lights.

The storm was caused by a dramatic blast from the sun on Friday, which set off a geomagnetic storm in Earth's atmosphere. The storm is expected to continue for several days, and could produce even more spectacular light shows in the coming nights.

The northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, are caused by the interaction of charged particles from the sun with Earth's magnetic field. These particles are drawn to the magnetic poles, where they collide with atoms and molecules in the atmosphere, causing them to emit light.

The color of the aurora depends on the type of atom or molecule that is hit by the charged particles. Nitrogen atoms emit a greenish-yellow light, while oxygen atoms emit a reddish-orange light.

The solar storm that is currently affecting Earth is one of the strongest in recent years. It is expected to produce even more spectacular light shows in the coming nights, so stargazers are advised to keep an eye on the sky.


The extreme solar storm that is currently affecting Earth is a reminder of the power of the sun. These storms can have a significant impact on our planet, and can even disrupt our technology. However, they can also produce beautiful and awe-inspiring light shows, which are a reminder of the wonder of the universe.
